Markus Eder is the Current Leader

by LowPressureSki
Mar 6th 2019 - 6 comments

Markus Eder is one of the most versatile skiers on the planet. He throws down in the park, can grease the greasiest rail and is now crushing the competition at the Freeride World Tour and he does it all with a big smile on his face!

Angel Collinson Podcast

by PowellMovement
Oct 1st 2018 - 1 comments

Angel Collinson was born into the ski world. She grew up in Snowbird employee housing, where she honed her race skills enough to barely not make the US Ski Team. With racing over, college and big mountain skiing competitions took over. Skiing won. Over the years there have been a lot of women who have pushed the envelope on snow but Angel transcends gender….she’s just a bad ass skier who charges harder than anyone these past few years…guy or girl. Her story is not what you expect…..

Angel Collinson Show Notes:

2:00: What is she up to in AK, Social media and tinder

8:00: Growing up in Snowbird Employee Housing, missing out on stuff, and raising her kids

14:00: Ski racing

16:40: Evo (Use the code TPM10 for 10% off at checkout)

RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack)

Outdoor Research: (Get 15% off you’re order with the checkout code POWELL15)

18:00: Home schooling, not making the US Ski Team, College, and partying

31:40: Freeskiing

35:40: Spy Optics: Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20.

The 10 Barrel Brewery: My favorite is Out of Office Pilsner

37:00: The difference between racing and freeskiing, sponsorship, and dropping out of school

44:00: Ryan Hawks, Tanner Hall, and graduating to film

49:00: TGR, the difference between guys and girls in the mountains and her role in skiing

57:00: Singing and burning man

60:00: Inappropriate Questions with Hadley Hammer