2015 Sölden: Take a Deep Breath ... THE X! ? Freeski Edit

published Nov 2015 - 774 views

It's huge, it's unique, it's mind-boggling: QParks' special obstacle THE X in Sölden! In May 2015, project manager Sven Toller and AREA 47 park designer Stefan Morocutti joined forces to create an enormous obstacle attracting both national and international freeski pros. Take a look behind the setup of THE X and see riders like Lukas Müllauer, Fabian Kettner, Johannes Rohrmoser, Markus Androsch, Sam Baumgartner, Dominik Wilfling, Josh Absenger and Fabian Braitsch in all their style and glory.

Wanna shred AREA 47 Snowpark Sölden? Visit http://www.snowpark-soelden.com and stay up to date via http://www.facebook.com/snowpark.soelden.

Featured music available on http://deadgiveaway.bandcamp.com/

Artist: http://deadgiveaway.bandcamp.com/



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