K2 Ski-Habilitation

published Oct 2014 - 1,566 views

Everybody knows that person. The family member who still has rear-entry boots, your roommate who still rocks 205 skis that look like tooth pics, or your friend who?s equipment is out of date, old, and plain garbage. We are focused on helping that person and you! This fall we are launching a campaign and contest to target those dedicated few who refuse to update their gear. We want to send them to Ski Habilitation or SkiHab. The winner will get themselves and friend a brand new head-to-toe set up for themselves and those in need of ?SkiHab?. Just submit a video, photo, haiku poem, or oragami telling them why you friend needs SkiHab to skihab@k2skis.com for a chance to win.

Credit: K2 Skis

Skier: DJ Mullet



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