CzechMate S03E01 | feBROary

published Mar 2024 - 986 views

Better late then never, huh? This season we were committed to fulfill the name of this project and finally film couple episodes in Czech... However, in similar fashion to last year, this year's winter was quite terrible. So believe it or not, this episode is filmed in mid-February, yet it looks like end of May hah. Well, it is what it is. Also, that's why we named this episode this way. February and bros… get it? HAHA, GET IT??? I think we've achieved comedy over here. Alright…now enjoy some fun shredding! Thanks for watching.

Skiing by Simon Bartik, Daniel Hanka, Stepan Hudecek, Vojta Bresky, Vit Zaribnicky & Jan Ferbr

CzechMate is supported by: Horsefeathers, Volkl, Marker, Dalbello and Daniel's and Simon's big hearts.

We would like to thank everybody that has been following this video project. We really appreciate the love and support. It really means a lot to us!

Big THANK YOU to you all - from Czech with love


#danielhanka #simonbartik #czechmate



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