

by PandaPoles
Nov 2017 - 1.8K views

New #Panda_Vid!

Take a journey with TanSnowMan and the local Panda Tribe, as the Panda Chief recounts the events of last year's record winter!
Without further ado, may we present Part II of the "2017 Panda Poles Season Highlight Reel"...

Tribe UP "Glory"!

Filmed on location at Pebble Creek Ski Area, Beaver Mountain, Kelly Canyon Ski Resort, and Cherry Peak Resort.


by PandaPoles
Sep 2017 - 957 views

If there's one thing we can say about our boy Lee Swassing is that the homey can send... His skiing last season was absolutely ruthless! Full-on, cranked way past 11!

But on-point, nonetheless...

Although he can make some really beautiful turns, it just so happens that 95% of our footage of Lee is of him sending 40 footers...


Panda Poles Season Highlight Reel 2K17 dropping soon... Stay tuned!

Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles


by PandaPoles
Jan 2017 - 987 views

"You know, even though I've skied half way around the world, I've somehow managed to ski the same chairlift for most of my life. It's not that I don't like other chairlifts. And it's not that I don't like hiking. It's just that this is home. It's where my heart lives. And no matter how hard I try to leave, my heart keeps coming back. The Skyline Chairlift will forever hold its place in my heart.

And now I have the honor of giving that gift to my son..."

- Panda Chief TanSnowMan

Skyline Chairlift. Tribe UP!

Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles

Panda Presents: Icey Pandas

by PandaPoles
Sep 2016 - 1.5K views

What most of our fans probably don't realize, is that if not for Icelantic Skis, Panda Poles probably would not exist today. This is the history of the Icelantic x Panda Poles collab...

PPSHR2K16: Shred The Rock

by PandaPoles
Sep 2016 - 515 views

Part I of the 2016 Panda Poles Season Highlight Reel, this is "Shred The Rock"!

Filmed entirely on GoPro Hero 4 and iPhone 6.

The Panda spirit is a gentle soul. Although they could so easily shred flesh, they choose to mostly shred bamboo. However, such as with the balance of black and white, there are moments when the Panda spirit is placid, and yet there are times when the Panda fire comes alive! It is in these moments that the Panda spirit chooses to shred that of snow and rock...

Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Shred The Rock: Pony Up!

by PandaPoles
Feb 2016 - 1.6K views

When the snow cakes 'The Rock' like it has this season, the local Panda Tribe grabs their saddles, and they Pony UP!

Better grab the reins and hold on tight!

Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Shred The Rock: Magic Carpet Ride

by PandaPoles
Feb 2016 - 663 views

Filmed in the infamous Dirty Lines zone of "The Rock", take a magic carpet ride with Panda Chief TanSnowMan, as he follows Justin Dewall, and Bo Ferro through the gnarled crag...

Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Shred The Rock: Time of the Season

by PandaPoles
Feb 2016 - 703 views

It's the time of the season at Panda's home mountain--The Rock!
Tribe UP with Bo Ferro, Matt Tsakrios, Justin Dewall, Lee Swassing, and Panda Chief TanSnowMan, as they harvest some goods at the SE Idaho ski hill on January 17th...
Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Shred The Rock: Cut Loose

by PandaPoles
Jan 2016 - 504 views

As the snow stacks up here in SE Idaho, the build crew takes the day off from the Dojo, to cut loose at their home mountain, "The Rock"!

Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
#PandaPoles @PandaPoles

Opening The Rock

by PandaPoles
Dec 2015 - 642 views

For the local Panda Tribe, the opening day is the best day of the year at Panda's home mountain "The Rock"...

Join TanSnowMan as he follows Bo Ferro, Sander Hadley, Kody Kirkland, Matt Tsakrios and Lee Swassing around Pebble Creek Ski Area for "Opening The Rock"!

Tribe UP!

Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles


by PandaPoles
Nov 2015 - 614 views

Part III of the 2015 Panda Poles Season Highlight Reel, this one's all about gratitude. There is only one ?I? in gratitude, and any one person?s happiness is a direct reflection of what they are grateful for...
We at Panda Poles know that regardless of the conditions, any day of skiing is a blessing and a luxury, and for that, we are eternally grateful for this sport...
Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles

PPSHR 2K15: The Rock

by PandaPoles
Nov 2015 - 590 views

The first day of the season may have ended after only 3 runs, and it may have rained to the top of the mountain the following night... There may have only been a 36" base for most of the season, and the mountain may have closed a month early... Regardless of the conditions, a few passionate individuals managed to make the most of Pebble Creek's "worst season on record", and had an absolutely radical time with their friends and fellow Panda Tribe members at "The Rock"!
It's not the conditions that dictate the quality of the season. It's the amount of stoke one can cultivate that creates the richness of anyone's on-snow experience...


by PandaPoles
Oct 2015 - 707 views

After several years of below average snowfall, and last year having one of the lowest snowpacks in the history of the western U.S., it's easy to become discouraged by skiing's potentially detrimental future. And if you pay attention to the news, it's easy to feel that the whole world is falling apart.
However, there are those of us that believe that regardless of whether the first day of the season gets rained out, or it hasn?t snowed in weeks and there is dirt showing everywhere. Or even if it seems like the whole world is going crazy, the mountain is our temple, and every joyful jump and turn is an expression of our heart, and a prayer for world peace...
May we present to you, Part I of III of the Panda Poles Season Highlight Reel 2K15!


E.T. - Extreme Turbo

by PandaPoles
Apr 2015 - 831 views

"Why do you want to take it to the level of 'extreme? Why does human nature drive us to push it to the limit? What type of extreme technique to you need to become extreme? What is extreme skiing?!"
-Chuck Mumford (American Ski Actor/Motor Sports Enthusiast)
Dive into the controversial topic, and take it to the limit with Chuck, OWA, and TanSnowMan, as they go "Extreme Turbo", or as some call it, "E.T"...
Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Ski The Rock: Sweet Revolution

by PandaPoles
Mar 2015 - 731 views

Such as the chairs spin 'round the old, creeky bull wheel, the Earth spins 'round the Sun... Seasons change, cycles revolve, and the big wheel keeps on turnin'...

So keep that mojo movin', make sure your hips are groovin', 'cause it ain't nothin' but a Sweet Revolution!


Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Ski The Rock: Cha Cha

by PandaPoles
Mar 2015 - 743 views

With record low snowfall across much of the Western US this year, it is easier than ever to feel the potential threat of the diminishing habitat of the snow enthusiast.

And with this apparent loss of habitat is a loss of morale. An overall loss of stoke.

A small group of individuals in SouthEast Idaho has set out to keep their stoke alive, and in doing so has created their own snow dance for the spirits. How do you say? Ah, yes... Cha Cha!

Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Ski The Rock: Younger

by PandaPoles
Mar 2015 - 749 views

The Panda build crew takes the afternoon off from building Panda Poles to get the sun on their face, the air in their lungs, and their feet on the snow... Because after all, we ain't gettin' any younger!
Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles
@PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Ski The Rock: Sheer Pandamonium

by PandaPoles
Feb 2015 - 738 views

What do you get when you squeeze 30 wild snow savages onto one little cat track? This is "Sheer Pandamonium"! Join Panda High Council members TanSnowMan, Ivan Marcinko, Sander Hadley, Bo Ferro, and Matt Tsakrios as they spread the stoke with the local community recently at "The Rock"... Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles @PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Ski The Rock: Meeting Of The Minds

by PandaPoles
Feb 2015 - 690 views

The Panda High Council convenes at "The Rock" for a summit of the spirits and a Meeting of the Minds... Join TanSnowMan, Oakley White-Allen, Sander Hadley, Bo Ferro, and Kody Kirkland, as they explore the reaches of Panda's home mountain... Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles @PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Ski The Rock: Kings Season

by PandaPoles
Feb 2015 - 580 views

The season is well under way at Panda's home mountain "The Rock"! Join Panda High Council members Bo Ferro, Sander Hadley, TanSnowMan, and Kody Kirkland for some early season shredding on their home turf in SouthEast Idaho... #TribeUP "Kings Season"! Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles @PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Tips n' Trix: Switch Skiing

by PandaPoles
Jan 2015 - 1.2K views

Ever wanted to get some pointers on skiing switch, but don't have anybody to ask for help? No worries! We are here to help! So, grab your twin tips, find a mellow, secluded slope, and join TanSnowMan for "Tips n' Trix"! #TribeUP Switch Skiing! Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles @PandaPoles #PandaPoles

SkiTheRock: Shredded Expectations

by PandaPoles
Dec 2014 - 584 views

Emotions run high this time of year. And so do expectations. And whether it be because power goes out to the whole ski area on opening day, or it ends up raining to the top of the mountain on the very next, the love of skiing, and the convenience of being swept to the top on a floating chair creates the illusion that anything less is pretty much painful. So when the power does go out after 3 glorious laps on opening day, and when the rain does reach the top of the mountain on the very next, it?s important to remember that this is just the start--just the warm up--to what can only be another amazing season on the snow? Panda Poles? Tribe UP! Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles @PandaPoles #PandaPoles

McFilthy 2K14

by PandaPoles
Nov 2014 - 1.4K views

As a member of the Panda Tribe since our beginnings, Tyson McDonald has been stoking the Panda fire for years. He has evolved from an untamed stunt monkey into a legitimate player in the freeride scene, and last season he proved that he is not afraid to take it to the limit... #TribeUP @tysonmcfilthy! Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles @PandaPoles #PandaPoles

Panda Poles Season Highlight Reel (Part 1): Honor & Heart

by PandaPoles
Sep 2014 - 629 views

In a world where honor has been replaced by greed. And in a time when the heart has been stifled by fear. There exists a tribe of skiers and snowboarders, whose only goal is to ensure their own happiness?And the happiness of those who surround them? These are the masters of play and the tellers of truth? Living in a place of fearlessness, and in a time of trust? They have no enemies outside of their own minds? They have no doubts in the goodness that exists? And they never take themselves too seriously... This is the Panda Tribe? These are spirits of Honor and warriors of the Heart... #TRIBEUP! Panda Poles Bamboo Ski Poles @Panda Poles #PandaPoles

Blue Skies

by PandaPoles
Feb 2014 - 31 views

Take flight into blue skies with Panda Tribal Council members Sander Hadley, Tyson McDonald, and TanSnowMan. Panda Poles. Intergalactic Bamboo Ski Poles.