
Joris Blanc - CoC - Make Me a Digger entry

by joris.blanc
May 2011 - 2.7K views

Reposte of my CoC - Make me a Digger entry. ---------------------------

This is my entry to the CoC Make Me a Digger contest.
My name is Joris Blanc, I'm 19 years old, currently en first year of engineering school in Switzerland. And a dream of mine, would be to become a digger, and this is the perfect opportunity for my dream to become a reality. I don't really like to spend my day in a class room, or a lab. I'd rather be on the mountain or glacier and work and have fun.
I'm sorry for the crappy sound quality, but I did the best with what I had and I was probably not the best day for me to record anything.
Hope you enjoyed my entry. And I hope to be the next CoC "Make Me A Digger" winner, it would be the best thing ever.

Double safety // Joris Blanc

by joris.blanc
Mar 2013 - 1.1K views

I have been thinking of this for a while now and finally gave it a go and managed to safety grab both skies with one hand ! It's fun, but after a day of doing them your arm may hurt a little bit.

Lazyunderflip // Joris Blanc

by joris.blanc
Jan 2014 - 663 views

Went skiing to other day at the Glacier 3000 and decided to try something different, was planning on carving and laying down on the kicker to do a Lincoln but ended ut doing some kind of underflip !!! #yolo hahhaa