
Jeff Zipping the Mountain Top Tour

by greyninja
Jan 2011 - 2.9K views

Jeff and I worked at Berkshire East Canopy Tours this summer as zip line guides. We had the pleasure of checking the safety equipment on the towers one day, so we decided to film the adventure for promotional purposes. Enjoy :)

Cloud time-lapse

by greyninja
Dec 2010 - 2.2K views

Shot at waterville valley ski resort on 12/17/10. about 30min of footage sped up to 4,000 and 12,000 percent the actual speed. it was snowing, but partly sunny, creating these awesome sun rays. hope you like it!

music by kenny bradley

My 1st time-lapse

by greyninja
Nov 2010 - 3.8K views

Today i started working on my first ever time-lapse, and i thought it worked out pretty good. the hour and a half we spent on the box turned into about 14 seconds of footage.

basically the camera took a picture every 10 seconds, then i played each picture for .01 seconds, and when ~440 pics are thrown together this is what you get. hopefully you think it's cool.

i'm just psyched cuz my theory turned into a reality today.

music is an original track by my little brother called "New Mack Groove". maybe someday you'll get to hear the rest of it