
Trailer 07/08

by TFJprod.
Jul 2008 - 5.6K views

When these guys weren't to hung over or just beeing lazy we actually had a lot of fun! But the sad part is that they probably think that this film looks good, and maybe it does, but it could have been so much better if they actually wanted to something with their skiing talent. When guys like these get filmed alot they are more likely to get promoted in the industry, but they don't seem to be interested in having the chance to do what they love as their job. I hate you guys!

//Tim Forsström Jacobsson

Modeselektor - Hasir

TFJprod.'s Introduction Movie

by TFJprod.
Mar 2010 - 11.4K views

Sorry about the delay on the release of the movie!
Lats years filming without a budget really took a spill on my personal economy. Therefore i had to put the editing of the movie on hold to get some paying work done.

This movie is our first ever try at "seriously" making a "(almost)fullscale-zero budget testroll-projekt", even thought it's not possible too do the stuff we really wanted without a budget.
We sure learned a whole lot, which we hope we'll get to show you in future projects.


Sorry we didn't sub the swedish spoken parts.

Hope you like it!


by TFJprod.
May 2010 - 2.7K views

This is our contribution to the swedish skifilm competition Guldpjäxan(GoldenBoot).
We got home from the trip this film i is about just a couple of days before entry deadline so it was a rather fast editingprocess.

Modeselektor - Dustin Der Kleene

TFJprod's trailer for "A slightly smaller production"

by TFJprod.
Sep 2010 - 8.2K views

Trailer for the upcoming feature edit from the 09/10 season. With small means and always lots of heart we've been doing what we do best, makin' lemonade. Filming in some almost jawdropping settings with some of the greatest undiscovered young talent in Scandinavia.

A lot of the work lately has gone into our future projects and so we're a bit late but hoping you'll still like it. Get stoked and hang in there, the cold stuff is probably gonna drop soon.

TFJ X CreationNation

by TFJprod.
May 2015 - 14K views

The homies from TheBunch were gracious enough to invite us to CreationNation.
Had the boys with us, one of our favorite mountains at our disposal and played around with a borrowed 3-axis gimbal.
Shoutout to The Bunch and ShakeIt Rails
Fredrik Green, Frej Jönsson, Filip Berggren, Jonas Hjohlman, Johan Niemi and the rest of the BunchCreation squad.
Action Bronson- The Passage
Fleetwood Mac- The Chain
A$AP Rocky- Everyday Ft. Rod Stewart, Miguel & Mark Ronson