
Just For The Fun Of It! Intro

by Caveman.
Jul 2009 - 7.4K views

Little Montana project some friends and I have been working on.
Locations include;
(MT) Showdown, Big Mountain, Big Sky, Moonlight, Bridger, Marias Pass, Jewel Basin, Glacier National Park, and various other cities, prairies, and forests around the state.
(WY); Big Horn Mountains, Jackson Hole, Beartooth Pass

Edit feedback please

by Caveman.
Sep 2008 - 3.1K views

Yo, I just threw this together tonight and am looking for feedback. It is the intro to a movie of some friends and I. Feedback good or bad on the editing would be appreciated.

H Town 2008

by Caveman.
May 2008 - 3.6K views

I didnt get very much footage since i was skiing in the comp but here is some stuff from the very end. Basically straight from the tape