With ski season right around the corner and most local shops getting their inventory in for the 2019 season, I wanted to talk about my favorite graphics for this year. Everyone knows the graphics are the most important part of your ski buying experience so I'll help you out a bit with my top 5 (in no particular order).


1. 2019 ON3P Cease & Desist

The C&D is back again with the doom graphics featuring skeletons and death, which is a common theme this year it seems. Trevor Woods, the artist behind these hauntingly gorgeous whips, seemed to draw inspiration from Gustave Dori's 'Dante's Inferno' artwork. These bad boys are perfect for stomping landings and anyone that gets in your way on the way down. Also, if you've ever wondered why they're called the Cease & Desist, read this.

2. 2019 Moment Wildcat

According to Moment's Tyler Curle, the Jack & Jill story associated with the Bibby promodel is over but thankfully they're still cranking out incredible skis with graphics to match that quality. The topsheet reminds me of a movie poster from the '80s, similar to the the one's that famed artist Drew Struzan created for the likes of Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, The Goonies, and various others.

3. 2019 Volkl Revolt 124

More skeletons, more doom. I told you it was a common theme this year. Ever been to one of those really hipster, Denver coffee shops that has vegan options but also a bunch of animal skeletons hanging on the wall? Yeah, me neither but I would imagine that these would fit in really well. This pow monster from Volkl looks tight as fuck and rips too apparently, or so says member Wood_Wizard.

4. 2019 Armada Zero Collection

I couldn't pick just one from this rare collection, so I picked them all. Since the inception of the Zero Collection, Armada has been on top of it in terms of both graphics and the hardware they're putting into these skis. From the ski graphics and tech to the outwear and other Zero items they're putting out, it's very refreshing to see a company put this much work into a pseudo-secretive line that is only available in select places.

5. 2019 Sego Condor TI

My first thought that popped into my head when I saw this graphic: 4bi9 and their obsession with guacamole. In all honesty, while this is definitely the laziest/simpliest graphic of the bunch, or however you want to word it, I couldn't help but think that Sego have nailed it. Are they really trying to hit that avocado toast loving, millennial demographic? Are they having a dig at it? Works either way.

What is your favorite ski graphic for 2019? One of these or a different pair of whips? Drop a comment below and let your voice be heard!


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