Latest Videos by leone

Skiing is Fun

by leone
Oct 2012 - 245 views

Since we didn't lose any power during the storm, figured it meant we should put something together. Here's some straight skiing action from Colorado to pass the time while we wait for winter. Nothing crazy in here, just skiing how it should be. Fun.

Top Rated Videos by leone

7 Degrees

by leone
Aug 2010 - 7.1K views

This year, Sevenpair is offering 7 Degrees. Starting this September we will be releasing 1 segment each week. This 7 part series from the 09-10 winter will cover all of our adventures throughout New England as well as Colorado and Wyoming. All 7 Degrees will be available on DVD later this Fall. Keep checking for the release of the first degree and the remaining others on

Song: "Shoot Your Gun"
Artist: 22-20s