Latest Videos by SammyAllen

Sam Allen - Season Edit 2020

by SammyAllen
Jan 2021 - 409 views

It was obviously a weird winter 19/20 where I mostly just worked until mid February instructing. I had about three weeks skiing before Covid shut everything, but they were a good few weeks at least.

Chandolin Hangover

by SammyAllen
Nov 2020 - 370 views

an amazing afternoon out skiing off the hangover in the Chandolin backcountry with my good friend Will Tucker filming (think he was too hungover to send). Wha...

Sluffed out at Sunnegga, Zermatt

by SammyAllen
Feb 2020 - 171 views

Should've checked over my shoulder probably but i'm glad with how well getting out of this one went regardless and maybe It would of gone differently otherwise. I was a techy entrance to the lauch pag for this cliff and my first time skiing this little line.

Top Rated Videos by SammyAllen


by SammyAllen
Feb 2016 - 753 views

Started the season off with a ruptured AC shoulder ligament but its felt pretty good the past few weeks and finally there is snow in the trees!!
felt like I owed an edit to David Bowie so here