Latest Videos by RudyL

Hot Guide Filmer Vol1

by RudyL
Aug 2019 - 3.9K views

Pretty Much all the phone clips from my trip to @snowparkzermatt.

It was some of the best times of my
life the swiss really got that vibe.

Thanks to everybody over there.

rudy @b_rud_420


by RudyL
Apr 2017 - 6K views

Just a little cut showing a group of friends living in Squamish, enjoying their Life on the Mountain. Whistler received a shitload of snow in the month of March so we only had a couple of days to film park and this is what we came with. Ze crackhouse at Night Ze Mountain at Day. 1st Song: Dancing in the Moonlight - King Harvest
2nd Song: Free Smoke - Dave East

Top Rated Videos by RudyL


by RudyL
Oct 2016 - 7.5K views

TIME&SPACE is out. "In cosmology, the concept of spacetime combines space and time to a single abstract universe. Events and moments that are linked by some type of coordinate system." We tried to create many moments from all year long. Hope you can feel the vibe. Thanks to all the peoples involved.

Skiers: Rudy Lepine, Alec Bernier, Jake Innes, Dean Gauthier, Cameron Porter, Alec Craig, Chris Cote, Steven Pippy,Emma, Vincent Martin, Guillaume Boulay.
Filming: Dean, Alec, Rudy, Buisson, Vincent
Editing: Rudy

Link to mikeshabb's Music:

Special Thanks to: 3149 family, mathdeschh for the vocals & all the homies for the good vibes.

Hot Guide Filmer Vol1

by RudyL
Aug 2019 - 3.9K views

Pretty Much all the phone clips from my trip to @snowparkzermatt.

It was some of the best times of my
life the swiss really got that vibe.

Thanks to everybody over there.

rudy @b_rud_420