Latest Videos by JOTTO

Justin Ott 19-20

Sep 2020 - 1.8K views

Haven't gotten the chance to drop an edit for a lil while. Shots from Whistler, Colorado, and Pennsylvania from this season. Big thanks to Gilson Skis and Big Boulder Park for making this season the best it could've been!

Filmed by:
Derek Anderson
Avery Wrubleski
Nate Dekorte
Ryan Palmer

Top Rated Videos by JOTTO

Chopped n' Screwed: The Nut Cracker

Sep 2015 - 547 views

Hey everyone! If you're confused by what this is, it's me trying to start the Newschooler's version of Thrashers "Hall of Meat". I want to start this series because I feel it's something NS could really use, but the thing is, I can't do it without the help of you guys! For the first episode I just used a crash of me that I never really threw up. Initially I was going to take the top crashes from the Crash section under videos, but if I did that it would end up being a video most members already saw. So here's how I want to do this: Send a video of your best crash to and it will be considered for an episode. This is a hit or miss and it's up to you guys if this will work or not. Keep in mind this is the first episode. I'm aware the intro isn't the best (if anyone would like to make a better one go at it!), but everything will get better as this goes on so I want to see how this goes! Thanks.