Latest Videos by BradElmgren

Cork 7 tips

by BradElmgren
Feb 2020 - 518 views

I’ve been able to do cork 7s for a little over a year now. And I’m just now starting to grab something other than safety. I want to be able to start throwing some bigger spins and better grabs (blunt) this season and hopefully dub 10 later. Here is probably my best one so far with a mute touch. Any tips would be appreciated.

Top Rated Videos by BradElmgren

Cork 7 tips

by BradElmgren
Feb 2020 - 518 views

I’ve been able to do cork 7s for a little over a year now. And I’m just now starting to grab something other than safety. I want to be able to start throwing some bigger spins and better grabs (blunt) this season and hopefully dub 10 later. Here is probably my best one so far with a mute touch. Any tips would be appreciated.