Simon Bartik - Slav and Friends / Trailer 2

published Sep 2021 - 1,010 views

Slav and Friends is a two year video project about Simon's ski adventures with some of his best friends. Where I manage to ski quite a bit. Lot of effort, lot of love has been put in this one and it's definitly something you should keep an eye on. Enjoy and thanks for your support.

In case anybody would be stoked about having this flick on their screening or event - please feel free to let me or Simba know.

Peace and keep squating

Simon Bartik
Daniel Hanka
Voita Bresky
Honza Novotny
Tomas Kroczek
Stepan Hudecek
Marek Skala
Alex Hall
Tereza Korabova
& friends

Edited by:
Simon Bartik

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