

Behind the Beauty - Xgames 2025

Feb 10th - 2K views

This is what it's all about. Thank you for existing @XGames

Please help us get to 20K and SUBSCRIBE :)

Supported by: Volkl, Monster Energy, Dalbello, Marker, and Faction.

Featured in this video: Alex Hall, Hunter Hess, Owen Dahlberg, Ethan Cook, Mac Forehand, Konnor Ralph, Matej Švancer, Max Moffatt, Hunter Henderson, Luca Harrington, Daniel Bacher, Mikkel BK, Tormod Frostad, Cody Laplante, Jesper Tjäder, Tristan Feinberg, and Evan McEachran,

A video by: Owen Dahlberg
Additional filming by: Gavin Rudy

Check us out on Instagram:

No Speed Checks | Tom Wallisch Career Documentary

by Itsnotmywallet
Feb 7th - 2.4K views

A lot of work went into this passion project. I was looking for a similar video while on YT a few months back, but there was nothing remotely close to what I was looking for. I never made anything like this before and I'm not sure if I will ever do it again, but we will have to wait and see. I'm not Morgan Freeman, you're not getting a voiceover from me. Hope y'all enjoy.

Dicky Days #8: Unpredicktable

by Dicky_Thomas
Feb 7th - 1.5K views

In a time when short-form content is king, one man stands strong with a ridiculous, beautiful, and maybe even horrifying vision. To some, he is a leader, a failure, a stylist, an artist, an injured man, a professional skier, but to all, he is undoubtedly a "Dick". Watch Dick, Dicky Thomas, as he embarks on a treacherous journey that forces him to utilize all of his skills, knowledge, and assets to become truly Unpredicktable.

Far too much entertainment nowadays gravitates towards quick 10 to 60-second videos in hopes of dopamine and thousands of views. Dicky Days #8 challenges this shift. Attempting to re-spark the fire that was once strongly lit by remarkable ski films such as Few Words and Guatemalan Persuader. May the art of Storytelling live on, whether it's through cinema, skiing, or one man's ridiculous vision.

Boundless — A Sam Anthamatten Portrait (Full Film) | Faction Skis | 4K

by Newschoolers
Feb 6th - 1.1K views

Ski-mountaineer Sam Anthamatten lives a split life: when you’re both a measured mountain guide and a daring professional freeskier, which hat do you wear?

Dividing your career this way is a challenge. Guiding requires the highest level of safety, and professional freeskiing demands immense risk. Sam walks this tightrope every day on the mountain. His balancing act draws admiration from every generation of the skiing community, from scrappy freeride hounds to the most experienced technical ski-mo pros.

We return to Sam’s lofty Swiss Alps backyard in this third and final episode of Portraits, steeped in big-mountain action. Joined by fellow freeride competitors Elisabeth Gerritzen, Martin Bender, and Yann Rausis, Sam ponders the central challenge of his career.

A co-production with Blue Max Media
Directed by Etienne Mérel

Shot on location in the Swiss Alps

first chunk of camcorder footage

by stickacorkinit
Feb 6th - 152 views

my gf got me this camera for christmas, canon handcam, don’t know the specs, just know the bag is cool and i put a frog keychain on it. filmed at bear, all skiing is me, all filming was done by friends under the titles of jace, elias, jeremiah, and anyone else i begged to record me. i am trying my best every day, 21 days on this season (and first season doing park)

Appreciation - Freeskiing in your 30's

by Ian.Ham
Feb 3rd - 2K views

Skiing is special. 3 decades in and I'm convinced of its magical ability to put a shit-eating grin on your face, unleash your inner child and have you hootin an hollerin like few other experiences in life. That's what this video is about. I had some of the best times of my life filming for this project with no real goal or vision, just trying to find what felt the most meaningful and natural in the moment. For me, freeskiing is the most creative and unique way to play with nature and physics. It's my favorite thing to do, it makes me unendingly happy and I hope it makes you happy to watch and inspires you to get out there and do something that puts a grin on your face.

X Games will never be the same!!! Pt. 1

Feb 3rd - 2.1K views

We love you ​⁠ ❤️ Xgames

Please help us get to 20K and SUBSCRIBE :)

Featured in this video: Alex Hall, Hunter Hess, Owen Dahlberg, Colby Stevenson, Konnor Ralph, Ryan Wyble, and Dave Euler.

Additional filming by: Ethan Cook

Check us out on Instagram:

SUNNY DREAMS by @les__gees__

by Vince_Rafo
Feb 3rd - 169 views

3 Days under the Pyrenean sun at Font-Romeu SunnyPark for our riders Vince & Emil.

Credits :
Riders : Vincent RAFFAULT (‪@vince_rafo‬) & Emilien WEBER (@emilien_weber)
Camera : Max, Titou, AC, Veronika, Vincent & Emilien
Edit : Vincent RAFFAULT
Song : Qendresa - Don’t Stop