

by Westward
Apr 2015 - 2K views

For the past three years Nevin and Zac have met up at Blue Mountain at the start of spring to shoot an edit. The general consensus seemed to be that people enjoyed them, and we thoroughly enjoyed making them! This year there was talking of switching up the plans a little bit; more skiers, new location, etc, but as the discussion went further we thought, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." We decided to go out and do the exact same thing, again. Everyone's happy.

The Reopening

by Westward
Mar 2016 - 4.5K views

Shortly after closing weekend at Mount Saint Louis/Moonstone, Barrie was graced with some unusual late season snow; enough to open MSLM back up for one more weekend of beautiful, sunny park laps!

Featuring: Evan McEachran, Matt Crawford and Nevin Metzger
Produced by: Zac Hoffman