Words and most photos by Dan Kellar:

Reading Week at Blue Mountain has been amazing!  SO many friends out riding, and such a good park to ride in, no complaints except for the totally unpredictable weather.  it was a pow day on Saturday, rained on Sunday, sunny on Monday, cold as hell on Tuesday, pow day on Wednesday, -20 on Thursday and warm and sunny on Friday....and it has been like this all winter in Ontario.

Well all that is neither here nor there and here I am enjoying the park:


and some vid of the fun:

I got to ride with Ariane on her birthday and took this awful photo of her coming back down into the pipe, ski still being held (I think she landed on her hand):

Tom Dolozol (t-dizzle) was also around and off from school and he took this jump to pieces throwing corked out everything all day:

Dave Pauls even took a day out of skiing retirement to tell me what he thought about competitions but i lost that video some how and here he is still loving the s-rail and the freedom of skiing:

The powder was amazing twice this week and after a pretty long night and 4am ride down the mountain I got to hit freshies the next day:

no one is in this picture because no one was riding with me because no

one got out of bed to enjoy the rare blue mountain pow day as they were

all 'tired', but you can see the snow!:

Blue mountain has had weekly Wednesday night park comps for the past 10 or more years, they have always been super fun and this week i entered for the first time in a long time and came third in the rail jam.  There are no photos really of this event except this one of Graeme Pollock spinning his way to second place with a smooth 270-on, switch up, 270-off on the top rail:

It was an awesome week with a super celestial event, the full lunar eclipse on Wednesday night.  I got to watch most of this when I went into build some new features in the park and they turned the night skiing lights off:

Keep winter cool and see you on the hill!