Women's slope went down under sunny skies on Buttermilk Mountain this afternoon and the technical level was higher than I ever remember seeing, especially on the rails with a bunch of six outs being thrown (despite them all being called 4s by the commentary booth) and a dope front 4 tail from Mathilde. With that came a fair few scratches with the exception of our dominant gold medal winner.


Run 1:

Mathilde Gremaud kicked things off hitting all the big rails, super nice front 4 mute off the cannon. Both Tess Ledeux and Giulia Tanno had some speed issues on the second jump. Sarah Hoefflin threw the first really clean run of the day, solid rails including a disaster switch 2 on, a front four from the cannon and a switch 10 on the money booter for 90. Kelly Sildaru then raised the bar to a massive 94 with her insane rail skiing and b2b switch 10s. She even knuckled the last jump a bit. Johanne Killi had some small issues on some grabs and rotation, but a largely solid rail and jump combo were enough to put her third after run one. Maggie Voisin looked to be her closest rival with a big dub 12 on the money booter and the closest rails to Kelly but couldn't put it down clean.

Sarah Run 1 (Silver Medal Run):



Run 2:

The second run saw a bunch of crashes from the off, with the first 4 riders to drop scratching. Isabel Atkin was the first to put it down, with solid jumps right 9 to switch left 7 to switch right 10 mute. Unfortunately, her rails were below par compared what the top 3 were throwing, leaving her fourth. Kelly tidied up her run, landing bolts the whole way through, perfectly capping her grabs and scored a massive 96.

Maggie Voisin had a cleaner run second time around, with a nice back 6 off the cannon, right cork 9 tail (tickle), switch left 9 mute (tickle/miss) and a left dub 12 safety. Good enough for third but not clean enough grabs to displace Sarah Hoefflin or Kelly off in the distance.

Kelly Sildaru Run 2:



Maggie Voisin Run 2 (Bronze Medal Run):



Run 3:

Unfortunately, Tess Ledeux couldn't put a run together today but stomped a flawless dub 12 mute on the money booter for the crowd at the bottom. Women's Big Air is going to be crazy tonight. Sarah Hoefflin couldn't improve run 3 either, and to be fair Kelly's lead was more or less unassailable. Isabel Atkin cleaned up her rails but it was only a slight improvement, not enough to change the rankings, and Johanne Killi crashed up top confirming our medalists would be Kelly, Sarah, and Maggie, in whatever order. Kelly made it 3 out of 3 perfect b2b switch 10 mutes for a 99.00. Maggie couldn't stomp her final but regardless, there was nothing anyone could do on the day to beat Kelly.

Kelly Sildaru Run 3: Gold Medal (99.0)


