Sam Lobinsky has been shining much brighter in the public eye recently, primarily stemming from his appearance at the 2018 Quiksilver Young Guns event. He may not have taken home the check, but he still managed to make a statement by securing the popular vote win.

What keeps you motivated to continue progressing in such a brutal sport (injuries, season lengths…)

• The biggest thing that keeps me motivated is definitely all of the friends I've made through skiing. They're the reason I keep progressing. If I see someone with a new take on a trick, it motivates me to do that with my bag of tricks. My biggest goal is probably just to motivate people to keep progressing. It's a lot of fun watching people do stuff they wouldn't have ever dreamed of doing.

Do you follow any kind of training regiment?

• I used to tramp a lot when I was younger, but I ended up kind of growing out of the tramp because there wasn't enough airtime to learn the stuff I wanted. Now that I live in Utah I'll have access to better tramps. I also would like to get in the gym a bit before this coming season just to makes my legs stronger.

Whose style do you find most appealing?

• My favorite style has to be Max Moffatt's. In a lot of ways I have kind of adopted his style in some aspects. Just the way he lands everything. He makes even the hardest tricks look like he's just warming up to do something even more gnarly. Growing up skiing at Trollhaugen has been a blessing too. I have integrated some of the snowboarder's styles from Troll into mine as well.

Have you had any companies approach you in terms of asking you to rep the brand?

• ON3P approached me a few seasons ago after I went to the Quiksilver YGski finals in whistler. ON3P has been my favorite company ever since I started really getting into skiing, so when they approached me and asked if I wanted to work with them I had to pinch myself because I thought I was dreaming. I am so thankful for ON3P and all the opportunities they bring to the table.

Do you think there should be more opportunities to be paid through events, and how should we fund those events?

• I would love to see more events paying out. The best example would be the Steel City Showdown. I love the idea of bringing unknown AM's in to compete and try to get their name out there. Sadly there isn't much money in skiing, so companies can't really dish out big cash prizes. I don't know much about how money works in the ski industry, so I'm not sure how we could make events like the Steel City Showdown more common throughout the country.

Do you have any plans to take your game to the next level? Maybe try to make a career out of it, side gig?

• I just moved out to Salt Lake City for college and I'd say that's probably gonna be the best move to progress my skiing. Sadly you can't find massive jumps in the midwest. I would love to have a pro model ski in the future. I don't see myself making a career out of skiing though, given that most of the money in skiing is in the competition scene, but I would love to make a side gig out of it.

If you could join or shoot a part with any crew, who would it be?

• If I could shoot with any ski crew it would have to be Strictly. Gavin is something else behind a camera. I just love the energy they have. They always seem so hyped on everything and the movies they put out are always just a masterpiece.

If you haven't already, make sure to check out Sams latest edit Home

I think we know what needs to be done... @strictly