It's been an interesting evening to say the least, if you were here at the Brim with us tonight, you'd know what I mean.It was a great day of heavy snow...challenging for those without snow tires I'm sure. Around 5pm tonight we experienced a partial power failure due to an off site problem between here and the substation at the corner of Hwy 115/35 and the 8th concession. This loss of phase caused our lifts to come to a halt, and some circuits to lose power. We off loaded our chairlifts using the gas driven evacuation drives that are designed for this purpose, and cleared the terrain until power could be restored to the site. This partial power loss caused an issue in our East Chalets electrical room that resulted in some over heating of electrical components and subsequently caused smoke and a heavy electrical smell in that area. As a safety precaution the building was evacuated and the Fire department was called to respond. At no time was the building on fire. Due to the estimated time until power would be restored to the site, the decision was made to close for the evening.Brimacombe will REOPEN tomorrow morning (Jan 29,2012) AT 9AM.Please note, the electrical issue in the East Chalet has affected our abilities to operate the deep fryers and grill therefore Food Services in the East Chalet will be limited to items not requiring preparation with these appliances. The BBQ will be open, and we will have all other food selections available.Food Services at the West Chalet are not affected.Never a dull moment,Cheers,Mark