It's been a long time in coming, but a spin greater than the year has finally been landed. The term future spin has long been used to describe big spins... and has always been something of an NS joke. Line even used it as the name of a ski back when 14s weren't just a style trick. But for the first time in freeskiing, or at least for the first time with a grab involved, a rotation greater than the year has been landed. Kuura Koivisto put down this switch dub 2160 for the Absolut Park Spring Battle and in doing so, forever changed the flow of time.

Speaking of the Spring Battle, a big shoutout goes out to Absolut Park Flauchauwinkl for putting on such a banger event. It's been a strange season with few chances to travel for events, and even fewer chances for those not on some kind of national team. The event has brought a ton of insane clips from some of the biggest names in the sport, staking their claim for a slice of that sweet sweet prize money. It's going to take a lot to top Kuura in the spin to win category, but you never know. Here's a few more of our favorites from the event so far: