Talking about the weather has reached fever pitch in England over the weekend which usually means can only mean the onslaught of two things; Wimbledon and Glastonbury. Now, strawberry’s and cream whilst watching a game of lawn tennis does sound inviting but its the latter one that grabs my attention. Glastonbury music festival is what British summers is all about. Its the one week of the year that we all look forward to and come rain or shine 170,000 descend to a field in Somerset looking forward to 5 days without a shower.

At present the weather forecast looks to be a scorcher but i’m sure this is due to change with wet Glastonburys being the topic of discussion.

I hear rumours that its going to be lovely until the weekend and i’m sure the rain will come at some stage. One things for sure, i’ll definitely be bringing my wellies.

Here’s a few shots i took in 2005. Surely one of the biggest storms i’ve ever experienced with fork lightning ripping a dance tent in half, a months worth of rain falling in two hours and people swimming in their tents. It may have been a messy one but still an absolutely brilliant weekend.

All shots taken with my old trusty Pentax K1000.