The antics of the Swiss Freeski Team have been a highlight of the Olympic buildup. Unfortunately, two of the team have become the first athletes in PyeongChang to contract the norovirus strand that has been plaguing staff at the Olympic village. The unfortunate pair, Elias Ambuhl and social media killer Fabien Boesch, have been quarantined from the rest of the team in an attempt to prevent the spread. Both are scheduled to compete in men's slopestyle which starts on Saturday evening (US time, Sunday morning european time). As things stand they appear to be recovering and their symptoms have subsided somewhat, so both may still be able to compete.

The norovirus is highly contagious and causes vomiting and diarrhoea. More than 200 non-competing personnel have been affected at the Olympic Village. It also led to 1,200 security staff who had potentially been in contact with the disease being replaced by soldiers at the beginning of the games.