I wear my sunglasses on pow days, I make coyote noises when when my friends get sendy off the side hits, power through that gnarly bumped out section, sending a cliff or breakover, or catching some air on the side of a traverse. Something about that feels damn good!

We make fun of things, trends, styles, people, etc. but at the end of the day we're all out there for the same reasons. I just finished ripping some hot laps with the squad from work. Sometimes the visibility was spotty, sometimes the turns were a little crusty, sometimes a run was a little low tide, but at the end of the day it's all what you make of it. We made the best of it, and found the goods in what we had, and in that sometimes found the goods.

Whether it's the larger cliffs, the smaller ones, the side hits, the deep g's on groomers, the techy section, the chutes, the bumps, the park. Grab the squad and get after it!

I actually bought a new pair of goggles on the way back home today for the deeper days that are hopefully coming. Honestly though, sometimes I don't care. I'll wear my sunnies on a pow day, I'll do t-shirt laps when it's probably too cold. In the end skiing is all about what you make of it and the giant shit eating grin it puts on your face. Maybe the conditions aren't the best, your gear is beat up, but that doesn't mean you can't have a great day.

Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in pow fever, but sometimes it's too easy to not. If you planned your perfect day, today might not align perfectly, At the end of the day, you're here, you're ripping and the quality of your day on the slopes is in your hands. Maybe the section of the mountain that everyone wants to hit has a huge line. You aren't feeling it, and it's having a bad impact. Check out another area. Hit the trees off that one trail, rip some groomers, hit the park.

Most days there's something out there for you. Honestly looking back at all the beat nights I was riding in NY it's tough to call many conditions that bad. Sometimes that's the way we live though. Through seeing the goods constantly in our face we get that tunnel vision. "My day is bullshit if I don't get those pow laps, if I don't get the goods". We've all had some bullshit days turned epic, or days we just made the best off. Sometimes we plan on one thing but we end up with something different. That's not always a bad thing even though it seems like a cruel trick. Skiing, the mountain, and your day is absolutely what you make of it. Conditions, crowds, weather, etc. all make a difference but that doesn't mean your day is ruined if they don't align with your plan.

So whether you're in all the proper gear, the guy riding in the jankiest, least appropriate attire, get after it. Embrace the stoke, don't take yourself too seriously, and when you're standing above a cliff under the lift line and people start yelling, friggin send it son!