Hello Newschoolers!

It's been a bit since I've posted to the news section here but I'm glad to return for a worthwhile cause. As you might have seen or heard, One of Our Own Really Needs Some Help. Shane McFall's son Soren was diagnosed with leukemia a little over 8 months ago. As Logan writes:

loganimlachIf you’ve ever watched a Traveling Circus episode and enjoyed it, you have Shane McFalls to thank.

A gofundme was setup to give them all a hand as they watch Soren kick cancer's butt. The initial outpouring of support was amazing and it's needed, as Shane's wife Allie has left her job to care for Soren full time. I’m hoping to help out in any small way possible which is why I've put together a collection of some of my favorite images I’ve taken over the years as a ski photographer, now available as prints for purchase.

All net proceeds from the sale of any of the prints below will be donated to Soren. You can view the collection HERE.

If your walls are full and you'd rather donate directly — that's cool too! You can find the link to their gofundme campaign HERE.