Yes, i do have a reason for posting this blog: I have a free block right now and i am bored. So i will dedicate my free time to the greatness of this blog. or at least a solid 5 minutes. And so i bring you my newest topic:


Does that sound rediculous? No, this is rediculous

You may not believe me now, but i guarantee that if you read this,by the end you might doubt me a little less. maybe.


Part 1: The effect Polar Bears have on Eskimo Children

            Guess the leading causes of death for eskimo children? have an idea?

here they are: 1. pnumonia

                        2. pneumonia

                        3. old age

                        4. drowning

                        5. hypothermia

                        6. car wrecks

                        7. snow mobile crahes

                        8. airplane crashes

                        9. murder

                        10. malaria

                        11. heat exhaustion

                        12. food poisoning

                         13.narwhal impalement.

your right, polar bear attacks are not in the top 13, but they are number 27 on the list. 27! even i didnt think it would be that high until i saw it for my own eyes. Did you know that on average 3 and a half eskimo children a year die from polar bear attacks. IMO that is way too many.


Part 2: Polar bears contribute to Global Climate change!

What creates more carbon dioxide? Breathing. What do polar bears do a lot of? Breathing. So when it comes down to it, they are actually furthering their own demise. I suggest that we "thin" their numbers a bit, by say, maybe 89.75%. By thinning their numbers, their will be less carbon dioxide so the ice wont melt as fast and the rest of their species will survive.(i reccomend that at the most we keep them locked in zoos. you cant have them wandering the wild,you know).


Part 3: the polar bear/ nazi connection. Its true

What was the basic aryan look? pale hair and blue eyes. I know Polar bears have translucent(white) hair and i assume they have blue eyes. that is enough evidence for me and it should be for all of you.



Conclusion: Polar  serve no purpose in the world. We should exterminate them. So have a nice day and if you live in or around alaska and/or in Americas Hat, watch your back. and also other places in the world, watch yo self.