Last week we brought back one of our favorite contests, “Show Us Your Windells Stickers!” We heard from a lot of you, so thanks for taking the time to show us your sticker love. You guys have been busy, stickering just about everything in your path. Here are a few of our favorite entries:

And now to announce our winner. Congratulations to Corporal Nick Broms of the US Marine Corps sending some Windells sticker love all the way from Okinawa, Japan with the caption, “I would rather be at Windells.” We hear you loud and clear Nick, we hope we get to see you here on campus soon!

Thanks to everyone for sending us your entries! Stay tuned all winter long for more contests including our nationwide Employee Scavenger Hunt. Make sure to look for us and our staff at events all across the country including the USASA Hood Series at Mt Hood! Until next time folks!

Windells - BMX. Skiing. Skateboarding. Snowboarding.