April 20th means a number of different things to a number of different

people.  I remember back in the day, showing up to my dirtbag friend's

house in Crested Butte, ready to fire it up, get naked, and try not to

fall and raspberry myself while skiing alongside all the other weirdos

fueled by insane amounts of intoxicants.  As time has passed, although

I'm sure they're still skinning up, and suiting down, i feel myself

celebrating this unusual holiday in unusual ways.  This year, i found

myself shaping a monster jump in Serfaus, Austria alongside my shape

crew from Empireparks.com, for the Pirates film crew.  Those of you

that are unfamiliar with this crew, is maybe because they are European

snowboarders.  This is not new territory, as i have made big stadium

event jumps such as Air & Style in Munich, and Innsbruck, and the

Redbull GAP session in Garmisch, Germany.  However, what makes this

situation a bit different, is the use of us skiers to aid the snowboard

crew in construction, speed checks, and filming as follow cams.  I was

lucky enough to get to work with these pirates, Marco Grilic, Sani

Albiac, Erik Haugo, and Emeric Front, among other riders sessioning

this 70 ft monster cut-away gap that we shaped.  However, us as skiers,

were even luckier to have the likes of Austrian skiers Martin Misoff,

Luggi Brucic,and LINE MC Patrick Hollaus sessioning with them as well!

And boy, did they go off!  Amidst the incredible stylish rodeo 5's, bio

9's, and switch 10's, was the oohhs, and aahhs from all the riders, and

photographers alike.  These young men slayed this jump that afternoon,

and were rewarded with a bbq, and some extra-curricular activities

after.  However the session was, nothing compared to humor provided by

the local Serfaus cat drivers, and their machines.  If you look hard at

the pics provided, you will notice that ALL their cats have names, and

one instance even a vodka sponsor named Skyy. (very special to me, as

that is my name!)  So kick back with your favorite intoxicant, and

enjoy our 4/20 day on the hill...

Enjoy the Video