There isn't much going on events-wise in June, but there is one fixed point in the calendar, the Scandinavian Team Battle at CopenHill. The event returns for the third time and we expect another great show from the electric green dry-slope in Copenhagen, Denmark. The world's biggest dry-slope competition isn't slowing down and with an advanced slopestyle course, a huge crowd cheering on the skiers and the Copenhagen summer vibes it will be an awesome day from start till end. This is one of THE parties of the year by the way.

Check out last year's madness for further evidence

If you don’t know the format of the competition by now, here’s a brief on how it all works. Five teams of two skiers compete against each other, skiing full runs through the somewhat sketchy plastic course. Each team represents their country and the skiers always ski as a duo. Creativity, big sends and general crowd pleasers are highly rewarded and the skiers generally find a way to do something weird, funny or downright terrifying to impress the crowd and judges.

The reigning champions Jesper Tjäder and Emil Granbom of TEAM SWEDEN return for the third time to the competition and it’s exciting to see if they can defend their title this year. Besides TEAM SWEDEN there will be teams from the fellow Scandinavian countries, Denmark, Norway and Finland as well as a UK team.

“I’m incredibly hyped and honored to once again host all these amazing skiers in my home country and above all places in Copenhagen where there’s no sight of real mountains or snow”. - Jakob Ebskamp (Event organizer and skier of TEAM


Scandinavian Team Battle is a lot more than just a competition on plastic. The skiers enjoy everything CopenHill, and Copenhagen, have to offer and besides a lot of swimming, biking, skateboarding and fun other activities the event also has a live concert and a big rooftop afterparty.

A trip to this year's event is highly recommended if you can make it, especially if you want to combine a summer trip to one of the work's most fun cities, with some amazing ski culture in and unusual setting.

You can follow the event remotely on the Newschoolers stories on Friday and Saturday to get a full insight into the crazy event in Copenhagen, Denmark. Prepare for some carnage!


Location: CopenHill Urban Mountain. Copenhagen, Denmark (Facebook event)

Date: 10th of June 2023

Follow the madness: @copenhilldk, @newschoolers



TEAM SWEDEN: Jesper Tjäder & Emil Granbom

TEAM NORWAY: Johan Berg & Robert Ruud

TEAM DENMARK: Jakob Ebskamp & Isabella Tvede

TEAM UK: Chris McCormick & Felix Klein

TEAM SWITZERLAND: Nicola Bolinger & Christian Moser


The event is supported by Red Bull, Neveplast, One Open Sky, Sunweb, Sprite, Rudolph Care, Messy Weekend, Copenhagen Cable Park