Since I can remember skiing as engulfed my life. I used to be disgusted in the way I would chose to go skiing on the weekends instead staying home to party with my underage high school friends when I was 17 years old. Inspiration, and motivation came from relentlessly watching ski films. I used to watch Tanner and CR?s segments repeatedly over and over? running every trick and move through my head, waiting for Saturday to come and high school to be out.

CR laid ground. From his bio 1260 to natural 3?s in AK, he gave skiing the appeal and potential that anything and everything was possible. Every year it was a ?What?s next?? question when it came to movie segs, he proved that the current boundaries in skiing were in need of pushing, and he did just that.

Undoubtedly CR has paved a path for all of us involved in the ski industry. Never did I think someday I would be sharing a team position with someone of that caliber, nor did I imagine spending time skiing with CR.

I never knew CR on a personal level before his injury. My knowledge of him came only through the star struck eyes of an immature, inexperienced wannabe skier in Montana. I remember going to summer camp in whistler, the first time I had ever seen CR in person, and coincidentally the first time I would meet Matt Sterbenz. He wasn?t a good coach at all. Like any skier on his level, he wasn?t? interested in coaching us little shitheads up on the glacier, he was there to ride, and in hindsight it?s that attitude about skiing that I assume got him to where he did. To him I can assume skiing wasn?t going to slow down for a second so he could coach. Like I cared anyway though, just getting to see the man himself in person was enough to make my trip up to whistler more than worth it?

More recently CR was introduced to the 4frnt team. At the time I was working my way up through the ranks, begging Sterbenz for skis and calling anyone to shoot or film with me. Desperate measures. Anyway, I had no clue as to what CR?s plans were prior to his injury. I saw the development of his ski at the office. Met him once or twice, but it wasn?t till this year that I actually got to spend time with the kid and get to know him on a personal level. CR showed up in Utah in December and with his long time partner in crime, Tanner Hall, out on recovery I took the initiative to get a hold of CR to go skiing. We spent a day at PC shredding park. I think to anyone CR?s first impression was characterized by a combination of Spicoli and that of a philosopher. CR was positive, no doubt about that, yet very experienced.

We spent a week together in Colorado for a 4frnt team trip. Listening to him talk about his injury, pre, during and post, was a valuable lesson and one I hold close. He brought awareness to the life I?ve chosen to take part in. His experience with being the best in the world, through his injury, all the way to what was his current state of recovery is one to be heard. CR explained and held caution to the infectious ego that so many of us posses as professional skiers, but held also that regret was never an option either. CR had seen it all, the top, the bottom and everything between. I can?t thank him enough for his words of wisdom and willingness to share them.

In an interview with Matchstick productions he denounces giving up skiing and explains that given the known risks after his injury, it was worth it, to him, to continue skiing, worth dying for…

It?s funny how things work out. I look back on what I?ve done and the people I have met and it all makes sense in some funny way. Like a crazy path was laid for myself by myself without ever really having any intention of doing. I sit here now, CR is gone, I never imagined I would have been struck by his death on such a personal level. Granted I never knew CR like many did and spent limited time with him but his presence and vibe was one of a kind. I feel blessed to have had time with him. Our sport is forever grateful for everything that CR did for us.


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