Day 1 was a good manner doo....50 cms of fresh on the landings...18 jumps from all different angles and sizes and a nice blue bird day. After having to deal with a binding issue, I end up starting last instead of first. However, with only 18 guys hitting the jumps, the tranny was still fresh and I was stoked to start my first day jumping this year. Afterall, it didn`t went to well for me, not stumping any of my three attemps, but I definitey had a blast skiing that sick venue. Just watching all the boys trying and stomping some crazy stylish tricks was a great moment. Make sure you get on the web and check Darryl Treadway 60 footer double back-flip attemp..or Andy Mhare 50 footer switch 3 or even Shawn Petit ridiculously big Switch cork 5...

After the success of the first day, we were pumped for the Big Mountain comp. With great conditions on Mount Roberts and for most of the guys, good viz, the day was perfect to get some action. The night before, we (the riders) all agreed to reverse the start order, so I end up starting last (again!:-)) I was lucky cause I had some great light all the way down and even with 17 bomb holes in most of the features, I managed to found some fresh spots.  Dave Treadway set the bar really high with a huge drop right from the start gate and a nice fluid line all his way down. Once again, Shawn did great with a huge Cork 3 over the gap on the last cliff band. Another great moment was watching Mike stepping on his feets after doing the human tomohak on the steep upper section ;-)

Within all the pain from the two first days, we had to skin up from the mine to the top of Mount Roberts on day 3. Starting first with nobody to help me setting the rythm, I tried my best to set the fastest time and bring some money home. Unfortunately, Dave Treadway beat me by 30 sec. With his second win, Dave cumulated enough points to beat Shawn and Jp Auclair on the overall score board. Signing his first victory ever, Dave had a few reasons to party that night, about 6000 reasons I guest, yeah buddy!!!!

I can`t wait for next year

Big thanks to Scott Jewett from Red Bull for putting this event together and invited me. Also thanks to all my shovelers crew, especially Gilles Bellerose for Red Resort, for helping me building and designing the slopestyle course.

I`m now back in Fernie, enjoying a little bite of the 9 meters snowfall so far this year....definitely the best winter ever!

Check out the NS story here