Powder Magazine 2011 Buyer's Guide. This is the first issue I worked on at Powder and I couldn?t be happier with how it looks and the banger content thats inside. It hits newsstands on August 17th. I?d like to thank everyone that helped get me to the place where I can make a post on a blog stating when an issue of a magazine I work for hits newsstands. Life is absolutely amazing, incredible, and unpredictable. Cheers everyone! NOTE: I know this NS blog is auto-fetched to my Tumblr blog BUT since you guys actually checked it out here on NS, here's/an exclusive look at the Cam Riley video that accompanies my first article in Powder. Enjoy and thank you for everything NS! http://www.powdermag.com/camriley/This entry was auto fetched from the creator's RSS feed at http://mikerogge.tumblr.com/rssClick here to read the full entry.