September 26th, 2002
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
By Matt Harvey
Day 1:
There was a lot of hype surrounding this year's Poor Boyz Production's film, Happy Dayz. It was the movie everyone was talking about. The movie everyone wanted to own before it was even made. The pressure on Johnny Decesare and David Levin to put out the greatest ski movie ever easily resembled that of the Hoover Damn. And let me tell you, they are still standing strong.
The excitement could be felt blocks away as hundreds of PBP fans streamed into the Paramount Imax theatre in beautiful downtown Montreal. The gates opened and the fans rushed to the autograph tables to give a quick hello, and get an autograph from the ski legends in attendence. Once every fan had their chance to meet the pros, the seats in the theatre dissapeared like free beer and the movie was underway.
There's something special about seeing a ski movie in an Imax theatre. It could be the booming sound, or it could be the size of the crystal clear screen, but most likely, it's the sound of cheering fans, and the smiles on their faces. There wasn't a silent person in the theatre while watching Candide throw inverts up 60 foot step-ups, or Tanner throwing steezy 360s in the back country. The movie kept everyone glued to the edge of their seat, begging for more. And they got it.
When the movie was over, and the cheering subsided, the party down the street was just beginning. The party gave those over 18 the chance to drink tons of cheap beer and talk about the film with everyone in the industry. It was a great way to round out the evening, and set everyone up perfectly for the following day.
Day 2:
If you were ever looking for the opposite of Imax theatre, I think the bar that played host to The Playground by 2Track Production and Stereotype by Poor Boyz Productions/Eric Iberg is your answer. It was fitting that the rain poured downed as we approached Foufs, a bar located in the heart of the Montreal ghetto. It didn't have bouncers who could put Mike Tyson to shame for nothing. The second floor of the bar, where the movies were premiered, resembled more a dungeon than a club. Cages were the 'wall' of choice for the DJ booth and the upstairs. The main walls were black stone with random grafitti printed on them, and stray wires dangled from above; alive or dead, no one really knows. There was however a saving grace: $1.25 beer!
The shock of the bar wore off as the beer flowed, and as the thought of the bouncers doing their work subsided, the party was underway.
The Playground was up first. It was not obvious that the movie was 2Track Production's first ski film. The editing was impecible, and the music well chosen. The crowd's response was overwhelming as loud cheers, yells, and hooting bounced off the damp walls. Directly following The Playground was Eric Iberg's latest effort, Stereotype. As with Royalty, often touted as the most stylish film in skiing history, Stereotype resembled more a smooth-flowing music video than a hardcore ski movie. With a musical score including Daft Punk and Portishead, this movie was definitelly a stray away from the norm.
When both movies were over in Foufs, tons of free stuff was thrown into the audience, and the drinking went into full tilt. The party continued late into the night, with Tanner Hall starting mosh pits, and every ski buff discussing their plans for the upcoming year.
It was a fun-filled time in Montreal this weekend. From the Imax to the ghetto, everyone fit in somewhere. If you missed the premieres, be sure to catch the In the Haze premieres and the rest of the Playground movie tour coming to a town near you!
Dan has no idea what has gotten into Harvey
The people who are making Progression '03 happen (Denise, Sarah, MC).
MC and Steve. Notice the beer glasses. Sorry Steve.
Tanner showing that he's much better skiing than dancing.
Support the ski industry. Buy some movies:
Poorboyz Productions - Happy Days: Buy Now
Poorboyz Productions - Stereotype: Buy Now
2Track Production - The Playground: Coming soon to