The shop has been fairly slow leaving me with a lot of time to learn about the products. We carry this brand called Cold As Ice which I was pretty supportive of. They make some decent products with a good women's fit. That, and they are a women specific company. But........ I want to know what the hell is going on in that marketing department. I read one of the hang tags and there are these great tips in there on how to be a better snowboarder. They made sense until I reached, "Start eating to feed the fanatic in you." Really? Cause I wasn't eating before. Thanks Cold As Ice, now that I have read this hang tag I am no longer going to be the anorexic snowboarder I used to be.Another issue. We have these pants with a wood grain print. On the tag it says, "the supernatural collection". Do they mean these are ghost pants? If I die snowboarding can I walk around in these magic pants? Maybe they meant the super natural collection? But they are made of 100% nylon.... how natural is that? Definitely not super. The tag also said, "look in the print for the fine details" (or something to that effect). I looked in the grain, really hard; I found no fine details. I was hoping to find little pictures of abraham lincoln, or possibly the lyrics to One Week by BNL, but no..... I just saw wood grain. I understand that my grammar and such usually isn't so great, but I'm just a mediocre blogger. This is a mass producing outerwear company. This surely would not happen with Nikita. Too bad it's a snowboarding company, they probably don't care what little old skier me thinks. how long that coming soon splash page is going to be there...... 1 month so far.