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Words: Dave Pires Photos: ckoVideo coming soon courtesy of OrageThis past weekend the second stop of the Orage Pros & Powder Tour set it off at Mount Seymour, British Columbia. Seymour was a great venue for the tour, offering fun times, fantastic views, and the convenience of being minutes from North Vancouver. The event itself was a well-organized affair, with three appointed times during the day in which registered guests could ski with their immortal titan of choice, for a session of approximately one hour. Haha.While Orage deserves credit for their organization, it seemed to me that everyone ended up slashing fresh when, where, and with whom they wanted, including any professionals they felt like kicking it with. Which is great, because having fun is a lot more important than the constraints of theoretical scheduling.As anticipated, the abbreviated trio of JP, MP, and TJ, were chopping it up and having a good time. Also in attendance was the enigmatic Neil Satirokopolous, (who seems to warp in and out of existence at will) shooting the equally enigmatic but always fresh-faced Dash Longe. James Blunt look-alike contest winner cko was kicking it for the day as well, right before heading off to L.A. mumbling about some audition for Die Hard 4.Despite all the heavyweights rumbling around, the hero of the day was definitely the local Line rep Jeff Schmuck. We around Vancouver tease Schmuck a bit for not skiing as much as we (or he) might like, but to the surprise of many, he absolutely destroyed it all over the hill. In the aftermath I seriously expected him to walk off into the sunset, brass balls softly clicking like a one-man Newton’s cradle.This posse of BNB shredders dominated the day with team spirit and some great threads made espcially for the occasion.After some great skiing, the day drew to a close and everyone gathered at the fabled Rock Chute for food, beers, and more good times. The Orage crew proceeded to give away a ton of product, some kid defeated a real live samurai in battle, and everyone went home happy.What a perfect ending to a fantastic day.Wait, was that too cliché for you? You obviously weren’t paying attention when I said some kid defeated a SAMURAI in battle. Jesus, what more can you really ask for? Do something with your miserable existence.Shout outs to Orage, Mt. Seymour, and the BNB crew for throwing down and making everything happen. Oh yeah, don’t come to Whistler, the snow sucks.Video will be on it's way soon from the aformentioned Neil and the Orage crew. Keep checking back for updates here and on the mini-site. Next stop is set for January 6, 2007 at Winter Park, Colorado. Hope to see you there! Registration for riding with the crew and a chance to win a cat-skiing trip to Retallack with the Orage Team. Don't forget your free shirts and stickers.With the cat-skiing trip on the line everyone was taking the sign up seriously.Seymour's mini-jib park was home to some equally mini sessions. You may remember some of these features from such park updates as High North Ski Camp.P+P rider on the Flat-Down.Layering was the key to surviving the dangers of inconsistant west coast weather. Dash machs through some half fresh tracks while the onlookers peer down from above.JD May with his official BNB gathering shirt. Say hi to all the Newschoolers, JD! What, no smile?TJ & Schmuck feeling the happy vibes.For those of you scared off by the photo posted for the last tour stop at Sunshine Village, this is what Michelle Parker actually looks like.The main park was still under construction but Dash was one of the few with enough speed to hit the step up. TJ opts for the hip side of the step up for his 180.More custom clothing created for the day. Dash pops out of the trees for a late 1 into some fresh.This little cliff band was home to some mini-mini-golf lines and was also the place where Mr. Schmuck earned his props for epically sending it through a gap in the trees on the left.We provided the talent as well as the cheering section on this 180. No need for cat calls from the lift, we were all over it.Not exactly sure what people are doing in this photo, but they're doing it for free stuff.Beautiful view from the top of Mount SeymourUntil next time everyone... hope to see you there.