It's fair to say that as part of my job I watch a lot of ski edits. It's rare enough now that I get truly excited by something upcoming, and even rarer that I'm sat constantly refreshing my inbox on the supposed drop date to make sure I see edit the it the second it drops. But Candide's One Of Those Days series inspires that in all of us. The first edit made damn sure we all clicked on the second the instant we saw it. The fact that the second instalment managed to eclipse the seemingly untoppable first is what had me, and every other ski media honcho frantically refreshing said inbox and every fan on tenterhooks.

Number 3 is, after several delays, finally here and no doubt you've already watched and seen that it has to be seen to be believed. Even having seen it, believing is still quite some challenge. But that is enough of a eulogy from me, no doubt some of you will bitch about seeing this double posted as news and video. But I do bring you news: one of you lucky bastards will soon have the chance to head to the Alps to shred with Candide himself. And if the excitement that sentence invokes isn't worth this post, I genuinely don't know what is. Watch this space...

Oh and while you wait, check out Turner's review of the Candide 4.0 Ski, because the man also designs some pretty awesome skis: