Presents : Riders Party 8 Tonight is the 8th edition of the Riders Party at Le Diablevert. Come with us party on St-Denis Street near Mont-Royal. With a great ambiance and 2$ Shooter, it is going to be the kick off party of the ski and snowboard season in Montreal. With sponsors like, Base Energy Drinks, Volcom, Magik 4, Surf 66, Performance Boardshop,  Believe and Extreme Tours, there will be ton of gear and over 3000$ of prizes to be given out. So come party with us, the doors are opening at 9PM and the ticket at the door will be 8$.   Thanks to our Sponsors: Newschoolers.comBase Energy DrinksVolcomMagik 4Surf 66 BelievePerformance BoardshopExtremtours