I’ve found myself locked away for the last week as i’ve been redesigning my website to try and make a new dynamic portfolio that i’m happy to take into the future. My previous site was formed of two parts with my blog section working separately from my actual portfolio. Over time i found that my blog progressed as i wanted it to, whereas my portfolio had the feeling that it was starting to gather dust. I wanted to make something that kept all my work in the same area including my blog and portfolio including my personal work, alongside any commissioned pieces.

As with anything that’s new there could well be some hidden areas which don’t work or which don’t please you. I realise that it’s impossible to please all tastes but if there’s something that doesn’t sit well with you then don’t stay quiet, let me know. I’d appreciate any constructive criticism you may have so i can build on these foundations.

Overall though i hope you enjoy stopping by and get some inspiration from some of the work i have on display here. Hit this link to be taken to the home page.