If you’re sitting at home watching ski video after ski video, thinking that there’s no chance that you’d ever be able to make one then think again! The Mad Mob are here to show you that you can do anything you want. They had NO BUDGET to make their movie but they did it. Fair enough they had some help but that’s not the point.These guys have made a full ski movie on their own and it looks pretty nicely done. Of course judgement will be reserved until the full movie has been watched but the teaser holds a lot of promise.Locations: Tryvann, Breckenridge, Varingskollen, Kirkerud, Juvass, Fonna, Oslo, Oppdal, Kongsberg, Nesbyen, Keystone, Streets of NorwayRiders: Felix Stridsberg-Usterud, Lars Wien Tynes, Isak Jordhøy, Martin Stadheim, Mattis Silseth, Max Larsen, Mats Frantzvaag, Didrik Østerud, Fredrik Andersen and shitloads with friends…SHOT AND EDITED BY: Fredrik Høst Hansen (17) MUSIC: Hooded Fang – ESPCAMERA: Canon EOS 550D, Gopro LENSES: EDITING: Final Cut Pro CC: Magic Bullet LooksMPORA Action Sports >>Related posts:Nordica – Jah Love Whether or not these are still the fattest skis...BMP Pictures: We Love Snow! If you haven’t heard of BMP Pictures then you...