Mike Reed disasters. Words by Maxwell Whyte
Photos by James Farrell
Despite hard conditions on Marquette Mountain Saturday, the first MM
Affiliates comp went off. The contest dubbed "MM Meltdown" showcased
midwest talent in an early season rail jam. The setup, built by
Marquette Mountain's new park manager Steve Shelby, was clean and
straight forward with three rails setup side-by-side offering riders
the option to hit a down-flat-down rail, 20ft flat box, or a flat-down
rail. With an assortment of ages and a steady flow of beats from the
Smith tent, riders threw down. The final came down to Mike Reed, Josh
Bennett, and Zane Paquette. Despite Josh Bennett's attempt at a 450
disaster on, Mike Reed's cab 270 disaster to switch on the
down-flat-down took the trophey and prize money at the first annual MM
Meltdown. Special thanks to Red-Bull and
Smith Optics for helping put on the comp. Also look for the MM Park
page to be up at marquettemountain.com, and a special NS.com Marquette Mountain feature coming soon!
**Watch the video**
Steve Shelby on the box.