It may have been cold and rainy, but Level 1 brought the heat last night. With a packed lobby, athletes held an autograph session, keeping people out of the storm. This provided the opportunity for locals to meet their skiing idols. Bozeman certainly knows how to party, and nothing is as rowdy as premiere season. With the film edited in Bozeman and featuring local shots, it gave the whole event a hometown feel.

Bozeman locals Parker White and Chris Logan premiered The Big Picture’s short film “MOVE” before the big show. MOVE is divided into parts, and each is composed of amazing filming, and even better skiing. Chris, Parker, and friends sled into the backcountry and build booters, send it off pillow lines, and eventually find themselves in a park. MOVE 2 will be out for free October 5th, and you should definitely watch it.

After a raffle and a paper airplane contest, it was time for the main event to begin. The theater was packed from the floor to the balcony seating. There was hardly even standing room- like usual. Level 1 has been the marker for pre-season stoke for years since TSP left town, and this was one of the best premieres since then.

I don’t want to spoil the film. I’ll say it truly was a pleasure to watch. Level 1 set out to do something different than they’ve done before, and they certainly achieved that. The storyline was presented extremely well, and the locations evoked awe as always. There were a few Bozeman shots, so keep your eyes peeled for them. Overall, it was a rowdy night with a rowdy film. Freedle brought an awesome film to kick off premiere season, now we just need to wait for snow.

Trailers, for your Pleasure:
The Big Picture, "MOVE 1":
Level 1, "Pleasure" :