Well hello there, friendly passerby. 

It's been a while since I've written in this funky little doohickey, but I decided that now was the time to post something.  It will be, to some extent, uninteresting, as I've been grounded for a good portion of the winter and haven't been able to ski all too much :(

I still managed to bring home some pretty good video.  This is the first edit I made with my new camera, just a backyard mess around edit with my buddy during a snowday.

Story of a Snowday from Milos Atz on Vimeo.

I posted it in HD as an experiment - it's really only the dimensions of the video that classify whether it's "HD" or not...so when you compress, you can just adjust that and get HD status on vimeo!

I took a trip to Telluride, CO, with my cousin about mid-February.  Even though it's Oprah's shredding grounds, I found the mountain exciting and BIG compared to anything I've skied before - it took forever to get anywhere.  We did some hike-to stuff off Palmyra and Bald Mountain, and found a sick secret spot in between Dihydral and Genaveve.  We hit up the park a bit too, and shreded with Gus and Kolby Ward for a couple runs, which was sick - those kids RIP hard.  Here's a cliip of my cousin, throwing his first rodeo/flatspin over the second jump in the set.  Answers as to what this trick is are appreciated - he stomped it FYI.

Jea. from Milos Atz on Vimeo.

The highlight since then was a two-day weekend trip to Okemo.  The snow was soft and a tad bit slow, but it was warm and we had a good time anyway.  I finally realized how much better my friends had gotten over their vacation week skiing the Stratton park.  Here's an edit I threw together from the footage from the first day of that weekend.

A day at Okemo from Milos Atz on Vimeo.

I have a TON more footage that isn't captured yet - the daunting task is scaring me into submission.  When I get it up I'll be sure to make a little teaser/season edit just to show what we've (I've) been up to lately. 

Hopefully you took the time to read this and watch the videos - please leave some feedback for me, regarding editing, writing, anything, let me know.  Thanks for reading if you made it this far, and I hope you enjoyed it.

Cheers!  Happy spring skiing!
