Kristi Leskinen celebrates a poduim at her successful first annual Homecoming Jam at Seven Springs

What a weekend, great skiing and lots of fun for the female skiers and snowboarders competing in the first annual Monster Homecoming at Seven Springs. Although the sun was not shining the event turned out to be more of a spring break with everyone enjoying themselves off the slopes as much as on. Amy Stanton summed up the event writing, "The event was created to build awareness around the sport and showcase the progressive riding of top female athletes." This didn't stop the ladies from showcasing some other skills as well during the weekend with some clay pigeon shooting for example.


Courtesy of Nicole Birkhold -

Amy Stanton continued to describe the action on Saturday, "The late afternoon brought a serious headwind, yet the female skiers in the finals overcame the adversity and still took advantage of the spectacular competitive environment.  The performances all around were outstanding, but the day belonged to Kaya Turski.  Turski almost pulled out of the competition because of a separation to her shoulder that was induced during practice, but highlighted her final runs with corked 720s, switch 900s, and large switch-to-switch straight airs called zero spins.  Grete Eliassen’s very aggressive skiing style handed her the runner up position.  Landing in third place with a corked 720 mute grab, was the hometown superstar Kristi Leskinen."


Photo courtesy of Nicole Birkhold -

No one lost any time after the competition to celebrate the event which Kristi described,  "I have been dreaming of doing an event like this for years, and after all of the meticulous planning thanks to everyone’s participation and hard work, the contest went off without a hitch and could not have been any better,”





So congratulations to all the girls who competed and enjoyed the weekend without any aggressive and annoying boys to steal the show. Obviously these women have achieved a special balance between sport and femininity without any comprimises. Kristi Leskinen, the energy behind the event says, " Seven Springs pulled out all the stops to make this a first class event, and we look forward to making it even bigger and better in year two.” So take a bow in support of the true Homecoming Queen........