Josh Malczyk is one of the most influential, behind the scenes players in the world of skiing. His brands, Line and Full Tilt have achieved cult status and are arguably mainstream these days. Josh’s path to his desk job involved a lot of skiing and a lot of working for free. Nothing in life is handed to you and Josh’s story is a great example of how to make things happen in a world you are passionate about.

Josh Malczyk Show Notes

2:00: His name, travel and CT

6:00: Okemo, skiing, and traveling to NE

13:00: Crashing a car and learning a lesson and picking a college

16:00: UVM, East Coast contests,

17:20: Evo: The best online experience in action sports with retail to back it up

RESQWATER (enter the code resqwatertpm for a 20% discount on a 12 pack)

19:20: Rightside Productions, video parts, and sponsorship

25:50: Jason Levinthal, Reactor binding, and Line

33:00: The Meatheads, retail, and graphic design

36:00: Getting hired by Line, the K2 reaction, and not taking time off after college

40:10: Putting in hours,

42:00: Spy Optics: Get 20% off on their site using the code TPM20

The 10 Barrel Brewery: My favorite is 'Out of Office' Pilsner

44:00: Not being a huge fan of Pollard, like-minded people

45:30: How much control does Josh have and Full Tilt Boots

52:00: Planet Earth Clothing

56:00: Jason is leaving, Josh is Global Brand Director

57:00: Made in China and what it’s really like

59:00: Tom Wallisch and skiers are dorks

103:00: Line for life?

64:30: Inappropriate Questions with Jason Levinthal