Ski legend and Tahoe icon Dr. Robb Gaffney of Matchstick Productions and Squallywood has been fighting a battle with acute myeloid leukemia since 2019. Last weekend, Robb's brother Scott delivered heartwrenching news— Robb's body is no longer responding to chemo. Robb Gaffney passed away on September 22nd, 2023, his brother Scott shared in an Instagram post.

After two weeks at UC Davis, Robb's body was not responding to the chemo. He surmised that his cancer had morphed into something that his particular chemo simply did not target. The pain was growing, the tumors more widespread, and his daily walks of the hallways were no longer possible. He was deteriorating rapidly. He was rejected by City of Hope for the trial, leaving him no real options. With that, Robb returned to Tahoe several weeks earlier than expected. He did not want to die in the hospital in Sacramento. Hope remained to reduce his pain and loss of muscular function through radiation and other means at Tahoe Forest Hospital. But his decline has only accelerated in the last few days, essentially to the point of being irrecoverable. Yesterday, Robb and his family met with his doctor to discuss hospice. His doctor said calmly, "Robb, I told you I would tell you when it's time..." Then, nodding her head she finished, "It's time." Though devastated, we all knew it. He's given everything he has and then some; sadly, cancer doesn't care.

Read Scott's full update here.

Matchstick Productions and skiers across Tahoe and the industry have paid tributes to the Gaffneys since hearing the updates. An outpour of support fills the comment section of MSP's latest Instagram Post, which shows off Dr. Robb's segment from the 2001 film 'High Society'.

You can donate directly to the Gaffney family on GoFundMe.