Creating comics every week for a skiing website is a funny gig. Sometimes it's easy, I overhear someone in a lift line, or an idea comes to me on the skin track and I've already outlined my Sunday comic in my head by the time I finish my run. But other times it's more challenging. Where I live, ski season started strong, we had two really good days of skiing, and then spring hit. Everything is melting out, the cat tracks are turning into gravel roads, and I'm tempted to get my bike out of the garage. And for much of the American west, that seems to be the norm right now.
So this week, instead of joking about ski culture, or playing up stereotypes, I simply drew what we want. The weather will turn the corner soon. Clouds will billow, temps will fall, and winter will return. Get ready. It's coming.
The inspiration for the mountain in this piece came from Charlie Renfro. If you like mindsurfing incredible photos of wild faces, he's the guy to follow.
