The final ski event of Dew Tour this year was Women's Super Streetstyle and super it certainly was. Right from the off, the ladies were crushing despite the falling snow and bad vis. Lisa Zimmerman set the early bar and she really is fucking good... The ski industry really did her a disservice back when. A huge shoutout goes to all the ladies, for us this was the most fun event we've seen in a minute. Great skiing and even better vibes, the camaraderie is second to none. It's also a marker of just how sick women's events are right now that the entire comp scene is over in Georgia right now and this was still one of the best shows we've seen in a minute.



Heat 1 - Zimmerman, Charboneau, Juncaj, Michel

Lisa Zimmerman, probably the favorite on the day, set the bar super high on run one with a score straight into the 90s courtesy of a front swap p2 on the flat down and dope both-way 270s back to back up top. Shonny Charbonneau was slaying but took a huge hit on the final rail to wallride. Alexa Juncaj and Alice Michel kept it pretty simple, but Alice had a nice blind surface up top, enough for 66 and a provisional second. Shonny cleaned things up, with a back swap up top, blind two and a polejam to wallride for 80. Alexa Juncaj stepped up huge on run two, front swap transfer pretz two was sick and blind two on the donkey dick at the bottom was a solid finale to the run. Alice Michel stepped up too with a front 270 out of the flat down at the bottom. Run 3 saw no real change in the scoring, but Shonny sent a dope frontflip and Alice stepped it up a smidge again too.


Heat 2 - Korabova, Potter, Hooker, Clarke

Heat 2 didn't have quite the same insane start as the first heat, but Tereza Korabova showed promise. Skye Clarke took an early lead courtesy of a front swap to switch, switch 270 on, disaster on the jersey barrier rail, and a front two on the donkey. Run two saw Tereza clean up her rightside 270 up top, but it was pretty shuffle on her final trick. Drew Hooker overtook her with a 5050 to railslide combo and a clean front two on the donkey. Tereza cleaned up her run, 2 on up top, lip blind tru, disaster to the jersey barrier, lip on front 2. Brooke Potter stomped a clean run, very steezy but too simple. Drew cleaned up her final run... it was definitely better but she just did a straight lipslide on the final feature. With the front two, it would have been the lead too. Skye Clarke stomped a front four out of the donkey, stepping up her score, and definitely winning the heat by a margin.


Heat 3 - Balsamo, Agnew, Derosier, Friess

Marion Balsamo put it down the first time of asking, blind swap front 2, switch lip to regs before coming off the big down rail a little early but then putting a front swap pretz 2 super clean on the flat down, 80.00. Catty Lou went for a lip 2 on the top rail but washed out, but looked dangerous, she didn't manage to put down a clean run although had some dope hits. Derosier and Friess trading places in second and third. While Marion utilized all the transfer features and waterfalls. Derosier had a nice combo of right 2 on, to only trick. Marion dominated the head with Derosier just pipping Friess toward the end. The crowd was going absolutely insane at this point and a big shoutout goes to Laura Obermeyer for shouting so much she appeared to lose her voice.




Zimmerman v Korobova

Lisa Zimmerman opened things up with both-way 2s on and closed her run with a front swap front 2, showing her class and style. Tereza responded with some clean moved; right 2 to blind 2, disaster to regs on the drop-down, with a lip front 4 on the donkey dick Lisa came back with a front swap to forwards, left 270 on, grinding the down rail and coming off a bit early on the donkey dick. Tereza missed a few rails in her second run so didn't push Lisa out of the podium final.


Clarke v Derosier

Calrkes first run had a front surface to switch on the first rail, switch 2 on the second rail with a disaster on the drop-down and a front 2 out of the donkey. Keeping it clean and technical. Derosier added to her run from her heats adding in a front swap to regs on the drop-down to up the ante. Skye's second run opened with lipslide to regs and doing a huge transfer from the far side of the pole jam onto the rail, greasing the long down rail and lacing a front 2 out of the flat down. The crowd still going wild. Ellie front 2 to switch lip to regs, going for a big back swap on the flat down but not quite holding onto it. Skyle Clarke took the spot in finals with an 83.00 run, winning by 3 points.


Balsamo v Juncaj

Marion opened with a super clean back swap front 2 followed by a big lip to the flat bar and closed the run with a clean front 2. Alexa opted for the waterfall rail early, had some trouble on the transfer and the long down rail but laced a super lean blind 2 out of the donkey. Very close to call after run 1. Marion hit the waterfall and greased the transfer to front 4, getting a better lock on the final transfer but not quite getting to the end. This looks to be a winning run if she laces it clean in the finals. Alexa kept it close, with the waterfall to transfer sending a front swap front 2 to hit the next rail switch and getting the front 2 around. It wasn't quite enough to pip Marion with her dope run.


Finals - Zimmerman, Clark, Balsam

Skye got caught up after her right 270 on the first run so would open things with a scratch. Marion opened with her blind swap front 2 to big switch lip disaster, she came off a little early on the long down bar and came off early on the flat down. 76.33 would open the scoring. Lisa Zimmerman put down a run that looked hard to beat, right 2 to left 2 continuing 4 with a lip disaster on the drop-down to front swap pretz 2 on the final rail. The judges rewarded it appropriately with a 95.00. Skye put down front swap to switch, switch 2 to switch lip disaster but went down on her front 2 on the final feature. Marion came out with intent, putting down the blind fed yet again with consistency, upping the long down rail to a front swap to forward, coming off a little early and trying to put down a 3 swap on the flat down to win but was unable to get it around. Lisa came out with a victory lap, cleaning up the full run and then going for a front swap, front swap to regs on the final rail, squeezing it around. 95.00 would hold as her score for the W!



1. Lisa Zimmerman

2. Marion Balsamo

3. Skye Clarke

