When it comes to comps, to Olympic qualifiers be in particular, this is what it all comes down to. The top competitors get to put down 3 runs in their chase for a podium position, so who's had the best run in them today?


Run 1:

Obviously we're watching the finals, but in case you forgot, this first run from Alex is sure to remind you. Such a clean trip through both the rail and jump sections on Alex's first run. BS 3 switch up, and a seatbelt Japan 16 would go a long way to assist in A-Hall netting a 91.75 in his first run.

Insane technicality from Evan McEachran through the rail section, followed up by a switch right 14, then switch left 14. Spinning these big both ways will be a massive help when it comes to putting up a decent score. This run was good enough to produce an 86.50 for the Canadian and have him sitting pretty in the second place slot at the end of the first round

Another fantastic technical run up top, followed by three different dub 12s in the jump section dropped Oliwer Magnusson right into that 3rd place slot at the end of the first round with an 83.25.


Run 2:

Geopper cleaned it up in a major way on his second run, switch 2 pretz 4, a couple of dub cork 12s, all while switching up the grabs. No doubt the variation in this run played a big part in bumping his score. Nick made an awesome comeback once again today, he needed a top 3 finish, and he clutched up big time.

A massive disaster 4 out of the DFD up top, right into a super clean nose butter dub12 and a dub 14 Japan was all more than enough to launch Colby Stevenson up into 1st place with a 94.25 as the final run in round 2. At this point, it's all Americans up top fighting it out.


Run 3:

Alex takes full advantage of his remaining run and reclaims his spot up top. Absolutely locked-in technical run through the rails, just before a switch right 10, switch12, and a huge dub 16 seatbelt went a long way to securing an A1 score of 95.25.

Colby Stevenson punches back once again, after trading blows with A-Hall and looking to beat a 95.25 in the final run of the finals. A crazy smooth disaster 2 on front 4 out in the rail section, nose butter dub 10, right dub12, and a dub 14 stale gave Colby a 96.25, allowing him to reclaim that 1st place position and knocking Alex back down to 2nd place. Congrats on your first trip to a Dew Tour podium, Colby.



The replays of the podium runs should be up later today, so be sure to check back for that!

